2001 Papers
- Embracing Failure: A Case for Repair-Centric
System Design, Aaron Brown & David Pattterson
Experiences in Applying a Coordination Protocol
for Inter-organizational Transactions (Cohesions), Peter R. Furniss
&Alastair Green
A Storage Model to Bridge
the Processor/Memory Speed Gap, Anastassia Ailamaki
The Oracle Database Resource
Manager: Scheduling CPU Resources at the Application Level, Ann Rhee,
Sumanta Chatterjee, & Tirthankar Lahiri
Evaluating Transaction System
Performance and Scalability Using Real Workloads, Ashutosh Tiwary &
Przemyslaw Pardyak
Information Delivery with Quality
of Service, Calton Pu
E-Business, E-Science and
Transaction Processing, Charles Brett
Securing Your Integrated System,
Dan Foody
Beyond Active Databases and
Publish/Subscribe, Christoph Bussler & Dieter Gawlick
Evolution of E-business
Transactions, Edwin Lassettre
Benchmarking XML Database Systems
-- First Experiences, Timo Bohme & Erhard Rahm
A Decade of TPC-C, Francois
Data Mining --
Technology Driven by Standards? Friedemann Schwenkreis
- Self-Tuning E-Services: From Wishful Thinking
to Viable Engineering, Gerhard Weikum
- All in One Database Servers, Girish
Vaithesswaran & Prasanta Ghosh
- The Art of Building High End Electronic Trading
Systems, Hors Schaefer
- Functionality, Availability, Agility, Manageability,
Scalability -- The New Priorities of Application Design, Jim Gray
- Web Services -- Gone with the Stock Market?
Johannes Klein
- Some Experiences & Considerations on the
Performance Management of Large-Scale Web Application Systems, Jun Nitta
- Main Memory Performance for Database Systems,
Kenneth Ross
- High Performance != Client/Server: The Case for
Embedded Databases, Margo Seltzer
- Warning: Java Considered Dangerous for High
Performance Transaction Systems. True or False? Mark Little
- A Framework for Implementing Extended
Transactions, Mark Little, S.K. Shrivastava, S.M. Wheater
- The Data is the Application, Mike Caruso
- Too Much Middleware, Mike Stonebraker
- SQL: Just say No!, Michael Ubell
- An Efficient High Concurrency Nonunique Index
Management Method, Norihiro Hara
- Assorted Topics in Performance Measurement,
Paul Greenfield, Ian Gorton, & Anna Liu
- Application Connector Parallelism in Enterprise
Application Integration (EAI) Systems, Pranta Das
- HPTS 2001 Position Paper, Reza Taheri & Mark
- Holistic QoS -- Transaction Systems Can Achieve
Extreme Performance While Enjoying Flexibility and Openess, Robert Vavra &
Roland Angvall
- Back to the Basics, Sitram Lanka
- Transaction Processing in a Peer-to-Peer World,
Toby Lehman
- Internet Advertising Inventory Management,
Tom Sheilds
- "Carrier-Grade" J2EE Platform Implementation,
Vlada Matena
- Brittle Messages Make for Brittle Transaction
Processing Systems, Wayne Duquaine
- Management of Large Distributed Transactions,
Weihai Yu
- Problems infrastructure software fails to solve
for large, global retail businesses, Rick Dalzell
- Building High Performance Systems For Internet
Commerce, Charlie Bell