2009 HPTS Poster Sessions
1. Pranta Das, Cisco, ÒAMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)Ó
2. Adrian Cockcroft, Netflix, ÒMillicomputing – The Future in Your Pocket (and Your Datacenter)Ó
3. Simson Garfinkel, Naval Postgraduate School, ÒStatistical Drive AnalysisÓ
4. Ryan Johnson, EPFL, ÒTransaction Processing Needs a Refrigerator or TwoÓ
5. Carolyn Norton, IBM, ÒBuilding a Problem Determination DatabaseÓ
6. Ted Wobber, Microsoft, ÒThree Surprises Concerning SSDsÓ
7. Rick Spillane, Stony Brook, ÒSOSP 2009 I/O ReviewÓ
8. Ivan Klianev, Transactum, ÒTransactum: 1000 Parallel Instances of Workflow on Single CPU and the WebÓ
9. Alan Geller, Microsoft, ÒUsing Transactions in Interactive ApplicationsÓ
10. Tyson Condie, Berkeley, ÒThe Cloud Goes BoomÓ
11. Eric Newcomer, Credit Suisse, ÒManaged Evolution: ItÕs Not About Technology Any MoreÓ
12. Michael Armbrust, Berkeley, ÒSCADS: Performance Safe Queries for Interactive Web ApplicationsÓ
13. Pat Selinger, IBM, ÒA Model Mashup Environment for Healthcare Decision SupportÓ
14. Rich McDougall, VMWare, ÒScaling in a Hypervisor EnvironmentÓ
15. Pat Helland, Microsoft, ÒHPTS over 24 YearsÓ (no slides)